Grace Hsieh
Grace Hsieh
Grace is a visual and user experience designer interested in exploring the intersection of design, community development, and environmental sustainability. Bringing together skills such as data analysis and visualization, human-centered design, and communications strategy in accelerating innovation.

Design to Innovate


who i am

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Grace, a UX designer and strategist, brings her inclusive perspective to help organizations and companies build impactful solutions through a human-centered lens of research and design.

What I do

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research & STRATEGY

Shape processes to discover meaningful insights to accelerate innovation decisions

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Design thoughtful products and services that optimize business outcomes at scale

core offerings

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Human-centered design

Devising interventions for problems and opportunities through a focus on unmet needs, contexts, behaviors, and emotions of the people that the solutions will serve.

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experience design

Designing engagement throughout the customers' journey with multiple touch points across physical, digital platform, branding, and support.

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Visual Communication

Utilizing professional experience in UI/UX, graphic design, visual identity and branding, infographics, data visualization, typography, calligraphy, and illustration.

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workshop facilitation

Leading participants through gradual and intentionally designed exercises to quickly prioritize challenges, brainstorm ideas, validate assumptions, and drive alignment with stakeholders to lessen misunderstandings.


design strategY

Incorporating varied approaches to explore repetitive “hows” and “whys” at large scale. Generating and applying desirable, feasible, and viable solutions in context to meet people’s present and future needs.

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Design management

Managing complex projects through rigorous design processes to increase collaborative creativity while ensuring flexibility for potential change.