Fishwish™ is a mobile app that strives to disrupt the food scene by offering a new way to empower eco-eaters to make more sustainable choices.
Social Due Diligence
Used data visualization to show that the social and environmental impact of companies is important to think about when deciding where to invest or how to analyze a company.
Mutual City Data Dashboard
Designed an interactive online tool that reflects the health of the city of Buffalo, and communicated the different ways in which MutualCity interacts with and positively impacts the city and people of Buffalo, NY.
Value Chain Mapping
Mapped out the cocoa value chain and uplifted the challenges, supporters in the ecosystem, and recommendations for actions.
Vaccination Journey
Surveyed parents attitudes on vaccination; created a card game to facilitate conversation around vaccination issues.
Zion Kids Palace School
We re-branded the school and created a storytelling toolkit which included their narratives, visual identity, website, and video for the future fundraising.